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You'll have a 30 minute call to discuss the scope and deliverables of the project directly with LifeWorks SC, and for them to confirm you're a good fit.


Once accepted, you'll be able to get right to work. We will check in with you periodically to make sure you have everything you need.
LifeWorks SC
6 - 9 weeks
Can be done remotely
Spartanburg, South Carolina
2 projects

Posted June 17
Member since 2022-10-10

Project Overview

We are looking for a design professional to help us shape components of our year-end marketing and fundraising campaign. Specifically for this pro bono project: we need a volunteer to design social media templates and mock-up a design for the eventual landing page for our website.

We are looking to partner with someone that has an eye for storytelling and can use our message and weave that into a visual call to action using pictures, colors and fonts. We use LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram as well as an active website.

We want to create visually appealing and informative campaign materials, including emails, social media graphics, videos, and even a landing page on our website to help us meet our fiscal goals. We provide skill-building workshops and critical resource access to wage earners that are struggling to make ends meet. We provide young adults that are struggling with employment with career guidance and coaching, families with food access so they can put food on the table, adults with a desire to obtain their GED or enroll in college, we provide tutoring and academic guidance, formerly incarcerated with administrative support in applying for an expungement or pardon so they can better transition back into society. In order to provide these services for FREE we must secure financial support from our community.So far we have crafted our message, decided on a new tagline, secured SEO support , updated our social media platforms, increased our physical presence in the community and crafted new content for of our collateral.

Project components:
-Landing page on the website-we need creative design support
-Social media post-we have drafts of the design

This is the perfect time for a seasoned and creative voice to help us cross the finish line. We are starting early in order to have a plan ready to implement in October.


Nonprofit Overview

Restoring Families. Rebuilding Communities.


Graphic design web
Social media strategy
Graphic design