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You'll have a 30 minute call to discuss the scope and deliverables of the project directly with Grief Matters Inc, and for them to confirm you're a good fit.


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Grief Matters Inc
6 - 9 weeks
Can be done remotely
Providence, Rhode Island
Website development
2 projects

Posted August 02
Member since 2023-01-02

Project Overview

We are looking for a Front-End Developer to help us complete our redesigned website.

I'm passionate about wanting to help people who have lost a loved one. For the past 5 years, I have been developing a unique website on grief. I reviewed hundreds of websites to identify the top internet resources on topics pertaining to grief. This website, which is called Why Grief Matters, brings all of these resources together in one place. The website provides resources for over 20 types of loss. A preliminary version of the website has received acclaim from grief experts and has been featured in the New York Times.

A world-class web developer has been building the website for about 18 months. We are looking for a Front-End/Full-Stock Developer volunteer to work alongside him to finish the website. The website is being built with the following technologies: Sanity CMS, Astro, Tailwind, and Cloudflare Pages.

We hope to find a volunteer who has the following skills: Experience building front-end applications and/or sites using JavaScript/TypeScript/HTML/CSS; Experience with modern front-end frameworks (we use Astro+React); Experience using Tailwind CSS; and working within a formal software development process (version control, work items, CI/CD etc.-- we use GitHub). Although not essential, experience with Cloudflare pages and pages functions, and with Sanity CMS is a plus.

WHY VOLUNTEER WITH US? Join our dedicated team and help us complete a groundbreaking website that supports individuals coping with loss.

MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Your work will directly help people navigate the challenging journey of grief, offering them much-needed resources and support.

HIGH-PROFILE EXPOSURE: Our project has been featured in many influential media outlets, providing valuable exposure and recognition for your contributions.

COLLABORATE WITH TOP TALENT: Work alongside a world-class web developer, gaining insights and experience from an industry expert.

ENHANCE YOUR SKILLS: Develop your skills and expand your portfolio by working on a high-profile, impactful project.

FLEXIBLE COMMITMENT: Enjoy the flexibility to work around your schedule, making it easy to contribute your time. We will do everything possible to accommodate your needs and preferences.

JOIN A SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY: Be part of a welcoming team of passionate and friendly colleagues, offering valuable networking opportunities in a positive and nurturing environment

RECEIVE RECOGNITION: Your contributions will be acknowledged on our website and in related publicity, giving you public recognition for your efforts.

If you are interested in using your skills to make a positive difference in the world, we would love to hear from you.

As soon as the skilled volunteer is on board, we will schedule a meeting to introduce him or her to our team members and provide information on the status of the website at present. At that point, the skilled volunteer will begin working with our senior website developer to carve out tasks most appropriate to his or her expertise and preferences. As the head of the project, I will make myself available to the new volunteer at all times to make sure that he or she is comfortable with the work and satisfied with how things are going.


Nonprofit Overview

Nonprofit Overview

My nonprofit, Grief Matters, Inc., had its origins in the COVID-19 pandemic. As a psychologist who specializes in grief (,
I felt a strong call to respond to the enormous wave of grief our nation was experiencing at that time. Because mental health resources are extremely limited, my staff and I began to explore online resources that could help fill this gap. We looked for resources to help bereaved people address their grief, manage difficult emotions, build resilience, and improve their mental health and well-being. We reviewed hundreds of websites and identified valuable information on many of them. When we saw what the internet had to offer, we were determined to make these resources available in one place. We selected the best resources and combined them into a comprehensive, searchable guide. We recognized that these resources could benefit anyone who is grieving, not just those who lost a loved one during the pandemic. Consequently, we broadened our content to include many other kinds of losses.

The resource guide was developed according to a firmly held set of values about how to assist those struggling with losing a loved one. First, we believe that contact with those who have experienced a similar loss can provide validation of one’s feelings to play a vital role in the healing process. Our guide integrates and organizes resources on peer support and support groups from dozens of other sites. Second, identifying resources for underserved groups has been a major focus of our work. We have included information about grief for the following communities: African-American/Black; Asian American/Pacific Islanders; Latino/Hispanic Americans; Indigenous Communities; the LGBTQ+ community; and people with disabilities. Third, we include hundreds of stories that cover losses of every type. Such stories can restore hope and help the bereaved recognize they are not alone. Finally, although bereaved individuals benefit from the support of others, many people are reluctant to reach out to the bereaved because they do not know what to say or do. Our Guide includes extensive information about the best ways to provide support to someone who is grieving. A copy of the resource guide can be accessed here:

We sent the guide to several grief experts before circulating it more widely. Without exception, their responses were extremely positive. For example, Dr. Robert Neimeyer, Director of the Portland Institute for Loss and Transition, described the Guide as “a Godsend…Countless mourners will suffer less because of this remarkable compendium.” The resource guide has also received attention in the media. On three separate occasions, The New York Times reporters have included a link to the Guide in their article about grief. In addition, the Harvard School of Public Health referenced the Guide in its monthly newsletter.

The first step in making the guide widely available involves transforming it into a website. We have made excellent progress on this endeavor. We obtained a domain name,, which is also the name of the new website. We were extremely fortunate to connect with Dan Chambers, a very talented front-end engineer, who has volunteered his time to create a website for The site should launch within a few months. Converting our resource guide into a website will greatly increase the potential for bringing the material to those who would benefit from it.

The next step involves placing Grief Matters on firm footing regarding finances and governance. I am looking for assistance in developing a board of directors. I hope to identify and recruit Board members who support my mission and who can help Grief Matters realize its potential. In addition, I am seeking a volunteer to conduct stakeholder research on behalf of Grief Matters. This will help to clarify where we should direct our fundraising and partnership efforts.


Web front end (js/html/css)
Web development