Ms. JD
6 - 9 weeks
Can be done remotely
Walnut, California
1 project

Posted September 04
Member since 2021-02-11

This project is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Project Overview

Ms. JD is seeking a talented and passionate volunteer to help us showcase the impact of our programs and initiatives throughout 2024 through the creation of an impact report.

As a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to the success of women in law, we aim to produce a comprehensive and visually engaging impact report that highlights our achievements, shares compelling stories from our community, and communicates our value to stakeholders. We are looking for a volunteer to create a professional-looking, digital-format annual impact report that communicates our impact to donors and stakeholders. The engagement will occur in four phases over four to five weeks. Our first session will be a brainstorm, where we will discuss the key metrics and information we would like to highlight. In our second session together, you'll give us a preview of the preliminary design, and we will provide feedback. We may need one or more additional feedback sessions before our time together culminates with you providing us with the final deliverable in a working format that we could edit in the future and a digital format we can easily share with our stakeholders. This report will be no longer than 12 pages.

Our ideal volunteer has experience designing brochures or reports and will be prepared to show us their portfolio of design examples. We hope you can spend 15-30 hours over four to five weeks. Why Volunteer with Ms. JD?
Make an Impact: Your work will help us tell the story of our year, inspiring continued support and driving the success of future programs.
Empower Women: By showcasing our accomplishments, you’re directly contributing to the advancement of women in law, helping them break barriers and reach new heights.
Grow Your Portfolio: Gain valuable experience in nonprofit communications and impact reporting, with a finished product you’ll be proud to showcase.
Flexible Engagement: We respect your time and offer a flexible schedule to fit this project around your other commitments.

We have already gathered photos and general information from this year's events, which will serve as the foundation for our 2024 impact report. This material includes highlights from our key programs and testimonials from participants. While we have made a start by collecting these essential elements, we have not yet progressed beyond this initial phase. We are also recruiting another Taproot volunteer to assist with the copywriting for this piece.

Implementation Plan Once Complete:
Once the impact report is finalized, we plan to use it as a critical tool for engaging with both current and potential donors. The report will be shared through various channels, including direct mailings, digital newsletters, and our website. We believe that a well-crafted and visually compelling report will significantly enhance our fundraising efforts, helping us to illustrate the tangible impact of our work and inspire continued and increased support. Our goal is to ensure that the report not only reflects our accomplishments but also serves as a powerful narrative that encourages ongoing investment in our mission.


Nonprofit Overview

Ms. JD seeks to support and improve the experiences of women law students and lawyers. Obstacles to equal participation hinder not only women in the law but also their colleagues, clients, children, and communities. Ms. JD consequently strives to give voice to why it matters that women continue to overcome barriers to achieve gender parity in the profession. In doing so, Ms. JD spreads the word: women’s victories are everyone’s victories.


Graphic design
Print design