Complete these steps to get the most out of Taproot Plus


Express your interest and select the time you would like to schedule a conference call with the nonprofit.


Familiarize yourself with the nonprofit. Do some quick research and skim through anything you can find such as their website and/or social media.


You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
Umuwi Ethnic Studies

Session Overview

I would like guidance from a nonprofit accountant or CPA on how to properly value, account for, and report in-kind donations in the form of professional/technical services (visioning/strategy, fundraising/development, programming, marketing/branding/communications, and operations) in our budget and financial statements, in compliance with GAAP for non-profit organizations.


Nonprofit Overview

Umuwi Ethnic Studies is a new organization, launched in 2023, dedicated to strengthening, protecting and sustaining ethnic studies in Chicago and Illinois. Umuwi arose in response to organized, well-funded attacks on anti-racist and inclusive educational methods (in particular, Black Studies, gender/sexuality/LGBTQIA+ studies and Critical Race Theory) escalating nationwide and across Illinois.

Through education and coalition-building, the cultivation of an ethnic studies movement in Chicago will cultivate belonging and wellness for BIPOC youth, improve educational outcomes, and increase youth and community civic engagement.

Our vision is a city where all BIPOC and multiply marginalized young people can see and hear themselves and their communities’ stories of love, joy, resistance and freedom at the center, not the margins, of our classrooms, schools and community spaces.

