Marketing Strategy
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Marketing and PR Strategy for Special Event
Each year the Coalition for Healthy School Food holds a vegan food tasting event. This year it's October 24th. Our biggest challenge is promoting it and getting the numbers of people there that we would like. We have our "regulars" which is great, but we need to grow and can accommodate more people at the event. We need a combination of marketing and PR help to spread the word about our work and about our event so that more people will support the important work we are doing.
Hungry kids need healthy school food. Kids, their parents, teachers, other staff, and food service personnel have a lot of misconceptions about food and nutrition. We teach the whole school community that they are largely in charge of their own health destiny, and how the food industry and food politics impacts the food we eat, even the food that is available in schools. We have all the pieces in place for change but the only thing we lack is an effective PR and marketing strategy to bring more supporters on board. Can you help?
Our event date and location are set, and we are making plans for the evening. We need help in how to reach new audiences, and to get ticket sales going once they open up.
New York Coalition for Healthy School Lunches Inc. (DBA: Coalition for Healthy School Food)
Member Since
Apr 2019
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