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Create Illustrations for Book
I am currently writing a book about my personal experiences with mental health, and I'm looking for a volunteer to illustrate the book. Right now, I am projecting 30 chapters with at least one illustration per chapter. This is a memoir of my life dealing with a mental health condition called Avoidant Personality (AVPD).
AVP includes major depression, severe social anxiety, fear of authority figures, extreme sensitivity to rejection, extreme sensitivity to criticism, and a host of other symptoms. I am writing this as the executive director of the Avoidant Personality Research Center located in Boise, Idaho. is a nonprofit organization that focuses on a mental health condition called Avoidant Personality, or AVPD. AVPD affects around 2 to 5% of the population of the entire world, but it's little known and not talked about much.
AVPD includes Major Depression, Severe Social Anxiety, fear of going outside, fear of authority, and a lot more, which makes AVPD one of the worst mental health issues in the world.
We have various channels we use to promote our nonprofit's work: a website:, Google Ads Grant, weekly podcast, etc. We have a lot of ongoing projects to build up various parts of the Center and get the word out about AVPD. I'm also doing local events in an effort to bring more awareness to the cause.
Avoidant Personality Research Center
Member Since
May 2017
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