Grant writing/development
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Fundraising Campaign Design
We need a person to help us establish a campaign to raise funds for seven teachers in Guatemala. They lost their funding due to a change in focus by their current funder.
These classrooms will have to close this year due to a lack of funding. Some of these teachers have as much as five years of experience in the community, depending on their service.
We offer young, newly graduated teachers ages 18-24 the opportunity to stay in their communities and to become social entrepreneurs by starting classrooms in primarily rural Guatemalan Mayan communities. The teachers have to work with the community leaders to find a suitable space to hold the classes. We provide the materials and a stipend to the teacher each month, as well as additional training for them to become more effective teachers.
We have joined online social media platforms. Global Giving and Donorsee. The directors of the project in Guatemala our ready to do whatever is necessary to raise the funds. Here is an example:
Magic Classrooms
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