Grant writing/development
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Grant Proposal Template Development & Recommendations
We are looking for assistance in creating a grant proposal template that supports our mission and vision. We believe this project will include helping Inform Your Community:
-Interpret a request for proposal (RFP).
-Research, plan, write, edit, and revise a persuasive proposal narrative.
-Improve the clarity and persuasiveness of our nonprofit's grant proposal writing so that we can use this proposal as a template in future opportunities.
At Inform Your Community our mission is to capitalize on the power of authentic entertainment experiences to provide important relevant impactful information to children and adults of all ages through fun, affordable, and meaningful products, activities, and events. These facilitate knowledge acquisition relevant to an informed electorate encompassed by the four C's: civics, civic engagement, civility, and civil rights.
We are in need of grants to take inform Your Community to the next stage of our growth. We plan to hire two staff next year and to expand into in-person chapters around the country. Grow with us!
We have a database of grants. We have content from previous grant applications. We have a Development expert on our board. We are onboarding a Grant Director. We have a team of people who can help support the grant writer with information, resources, ad so forth.
Inform Your Community
Member Since
Feb 2022
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