Marketing Strategy
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Marketing Strategy Advice for 2025 Campaign
We are a small wildlife conservation nonprofit entering a fundraising phase. We plan to initiate a marketing campaign around the beginning of March and would like to synchronize efforts with respect to some items we are currently working on, including: new programs, social media, paid advertisements, website facelift, merchandise redesign, logo rebranding, and corporate sponsorship pitches.
We are interested in receiving volunteer support through this project in the following ways: strategic marketing guidance and assistance in making a comprehensive marketing plan for the months of March and April.
We are a wildlife conservation initiative working to save some of the world's most endangered African wildlife by providing ranger training, gear and equipment donations, community education and empowerment projects, and direct conservation aid alongside our regional partners. We believe if you’re on planet Earth, you have a role to play in combating this crisis. We stand with our world's wildlife rangers.
We have progress on all of the distinct parts of the substance for this marketing campaign, but we don't have an overall strategic marketing plan with respect to timing, synchronization, what order which actions should be occurring, etc. Once we have a more of a communications plan framework and associated timeline, we will be able to plug and play to some degree.
Soldiers For Wildlife
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