Grant writing/development
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Develop Grant Proposal Template for Cigarette Litter Mitigation Project
Our organization is undergoing an effort for Legislative Action to End the Scourge of Cigarette Litter. We need a volunteer's help creating a grant proposal template as we apply for financial support for this project. The deliverable will be a template that our team can utilize as we apply for future opportunities.
This project will NOT include:
-Grant research
-Grants management
-Grant application submission
The toxic cigarette filter is the most littered item on earth and the single most abundant source of plastic waste. Tobacco companies produce over 6 trillion cigarettes each year with over 4.5 trillion polluting the world's streets, parks, beaches, rivers, oceans, etc. We need to hold the tobacco industry accountable for its products’ devastating impacts on all living creatures and our planet. The Truth Initiative and Refuse Refuse confirm that cigarette butts represent over one-third of all litter by count!
The National Stewardship Action Council, (NSAC), needs your help so we can find dollars to underwrite our efforts to hold the tobacco industry accountable for the devastation they have and continue to create to all living creatures and the planet! We have submitted a proposal (along with Russian Hill Neighbors, ( and Refuse Refuse ( to our CA State Senator to ban the cigarette filter. We need to raise a minimum of $150,000 to sponsor the potential legislation.
We have met with our State Senator and were invited to submit a proposal to begin the legislative process. We have submitted a proposal to ban the cigarette filter in CA starting with a joint investigative hearing to get the tobacco industry on the record about what they know about the waste and litter problems—and what they are doing to solve them. We need to hear from fire, waste, water, and public health officials about the problems and possible solutions they’ve identified.
We have researched the Foundation Online Directory to identify about 25 foundations that provide grants to support environmental issues. We have an Excel sheet with the list.
Stewardship Action Foundation
Website Since
Nov 2023
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