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Send the below info, and if interested, the nonprofit will select a time for a phone interview. You'll get a confirmation with everything you need to know.


You'll have a 30 minute call to discuss the scope and deliverables of the project directly with Mothers Raising Sons, and for them to confirm you're a good fit.


Once accepted, you'll be able to get right to work. We will check in with you periodically to make sure you have everything you need.
Mothers Raising Sons
6 - 9 weeks
Can be done remotely
Atlanta, Georgia
Accounting & Finance

Posted April 19
Member since 2024-04-11

Project Overview

We are looking for a volunteer to audit Mothers Raising Sons financials for 2023.

Mothers Raising Sons needs an audit to be eligible for certain grant opportunities. Completing this audit is our highest priority because we aren't eligible for necessary grants without up-to-date financial information.Our mission is to establish, educate, enthuse, and empower families, especially females raising boys to be positive, productive men for their families and community. We need to have a financial audit for 2023 to complete our taxes, for which we have requested an extension until October 2024. Also, having our 2023 taxes enables us to complete 2024–2025 grants for future funding. The project will help us get prepared for immediate and future funding opportunities.

Please be part of our mission to keep our families on purpose, keep our boys out of the juvenile justice system, and keep our mothers on their purposeful paths. A mother cannot be a father nor a positive male role model to her son(s), but she does a great job of playing the role!We use QuickBooks online and Google Sheets for our finances. Our accounting team consists of an administrator, a program director, an executive director, and a hired bookkeeper in California. We meet every week via Zoom. We are prepared for advice and/or suggestions on the next steps to complete the implementation of the project. Que is our bookkeeper who is correcting our last CPA, who had many personnel turnovers during our 2.5-year service during COVID.


Nonprofit Overview

Establish Needs! Educate Minds! Enthuse Godly Talents, Gifts and Abilities! Empower Purposes!

