Grant writing/development
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Develop a Grant Proposal Template
We are looking for someone with grant writing experience or who is an excellent writer to help us complete an RFP and develop a grant proposal template that our team can leverage moving forward.
Help a small nonprofit with a big mission! World Cares Center’s mission is to reduce the harm, suffering, and loss
caused by disasters by empowering underserved, at-risk communities to prevent everyday accidents and react as educated and skilled ready responders when disasters occur. WCC believes that resiliency is best promoted when all facets of communities are prepared to respond to disasters together to mitigate their inherent risks, thereby reducing human and economic loss and suffering. Everyone can be a Ready Responder! Website:
We need your help in creating the best grant proposal to help us further our mission and deliver more lifesaving programs.
We have several successful proposals that we can use as templates. We've also received guidance on several RFPs from the organizations we plan on submitting to. You will be working directly with our nonprofit's president who has experience writing proposals for WCC. We will be submitting the proposals as they are developed.
World Cares Center
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