Staff Development
Relevant Skills
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Leadership Coaching
We are looking for a volunteer skilled in executive coaching to work with our Executive Director and Artistic Director.
Our people are what make our organization so effective. We need your help ensuring that our leaders are as prepared as possible to navigate a crisis or major shifts in program delivery by building up their empathy, agility, and decision-making skills. We are specifically interested in coaching services on the following areas:
-Building and maintaining organizational culture
-Leadership best practices
We are very happy about having a great deal of experience in the music world in both, performing and education. Our leadership team has decades of experience in Europe. But as soon as we started this project in California we sensed that it was going to be very different to develop this project in California than in Europe. Different ways of working, have meetings, sensitivities and more. This things are as important as the specific knowledge of our professional field in order to have success and deliver the project we envisioned. we would like to improve them, so we can make a better impact in our community through our project.
If a volunteer decides to work with us, they will find the most receptive approach to improve and be a better leaders.
Our organization is primed and ready to make this important investment. We are hoping that our volunteer can meet with the Executive and Artistic Director for 60-90 minute coaching sessions. We will work with the volunteer to set up their recommended schedule of coaching calls during a set period.
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