Copy writing/editing
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Draft 2-5 Blogs for Sustainability Nonprofit
Advance ESG is looking for a writer with an interest in environmental, social, and business governance (ESG) issues to create a series of additional informative blog posts for our website (estimate: 2-5 blogs). Experience with (or willingness to learn about) target audience framing and creating SEO-friendly content is vitally important.
Advance ESG educates, inspires, and empowers our membership with innovative ESG-focused campaigns that increase awareness, mobilize stakeholders, and drive a thoughtful dialogue around sustainable and inclusive economic and social policies. Advance ESG's impact on environmental and social issues is directly related to the size of our membership. As a nonprofit with a unique and relatively unknown approach to these issues, we require a robust marketing approach that will encourage large numbers of the general public to sign up. This includes having an informative blog on our website that can be leveraged on social media and through our professionally managed Google Ad Grants to increase page views.
We will implement this project as soon as possible. You will be working with our senior contributing editor and marketing director (both are also Taproot volunteers). New posts will be scheduled for periodic publication on our website and promoted on our social media accounts.
Advance ESG
Website Since
Jan 2022
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