Website design
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Website Design
Street Business School seeks a volunteer to help design a new website. The project objective would be to work with Street Business School to create a beautiful website that:
-attracts and inspires donors
-educates visitors on the importance in investing in women as entrepreneurs to end poverty
-clearly reflects our new strategies so that partners understand how we work and that we are credible
Street Business School could provide the written content and brand guidelines and is looking for the technical expertise to create the optimal design.
This project will NOT involve the following activities:
-Implementing designs
Our organization has adopted new strategies that will create greater impact in the world, empowering more women with entrepreneurial skills, breaking the cycle of generational poverty. Our website does not yet reflect these exciting changes and we seek to provide a platform that tells our compelling story and increases engagement in our important work for both donors and partner organizations.
We will provide the written content/photos/graphics/links needed for the site. Once we have high-fidelity designs created, we will request additional Taproot volunteer web development support to implement the designs. We intend to go live with this new website once complete, and remove our current website from production.
Street Business School
Member Since
Jun 2024
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