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Send the below info, and if interested, the nonprofit will select a time for a phone interview. You'll get a confirmation with everything you need to know.


You'll have a 30 minute call to discuss the scope and deliverables of the project directly with Thistle Hills, and for them to confirm you're a good fit.


Once accepted, you'll be able to get right to work. We will check in with you periodically to make sure you have everything you need.
Thistle Hills
1 - 3 weeks
Can be done remotely
Coatesville, Pennsylvania
Accounting & Finance

Posted July 16
Member since 2024-07-11

Project Overview

We are looking for a volunteer to complete a financial audit of our nonprofit.

We need an independent review of our organization's financial statements conducted by a certified public accountant (CPA). The volunteer will scrutinize our financial records, balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, to ensure the accurate representation of our financial status and performance.

As a newly established nonprofit, we are in the process of stabilizing our donations and have not yet invested in a professional audit. Donors often prefer to review an external, professional audit of our finances, so we are seeking a skilled volunteer to conduct a complete audit. Our fiscal year concluded on June 30th, and we have a competent CPA who regularly prepares financial statements for board review. With a budget of approximately $100,000 and a modest number of transactions, the audit would be straightforward yet immensely valuable for our grant applications.We maintain current financial reports and have kept meticulous records. We plan to leverage the audit by sharing it on our website and distributing it to prospective funders.


Nonprofit Overview

Thistle Hills offers support, love, and resources to women who are survivors of trafficking/commercial sexual exploitation and addiction. We believe they deserve a second chance at life and provide programs that transform their lives and so they become part of the fabric of our community.

By providing residential housing, therapeutic services, and a lifelong sisterhood of support, our participants can become self-sufficient individuals grounded in active recovery with the skills to live independently. Thistle Hills helps residents live honest and sober lives through peer support and one-on-one sessions on community living, education, recovery, and healthy coping skills.

We support our Survivors by:
• Providing a 24 month, rent-free, home environment based on a community living model for up to four women at a time.
• Peer and staff support to help residents live honest, sober, and self-sufficient lives through peer support and one-on-one sessions on community living, education, recovery, and healthy coping
• Educational and paid vocational opportunities
• Individual goal setting and accountability to foster self-understanding through personal and spiritual growth
• Offering the referral and support needed to recover from childhood trauma and to fully understand the role it plays in trafficking and addiction
• Supportive services to mitigate legal challenges
• Medical, dental, and mental health treatment
• Case management
• A matched savings program for income and asset development

The thistle illuminates the adage, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. A weed with the fortitude to thrive in brutal conditions, the thistle has beautiful, soft purple centers with deep taproots that can shoot through concrete and survive drought. Symbolically, the same is true of our women who’ve gone through trauma: Beauty and strength underlie their trauma and past baggage. The resilience, vibrancy, and healing qualities of the thistle parallel the survival and flourishing of women survivors.

