Grant writing/development
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Grant Research
Our nonprofit is searching for a volunteer coordinator to research 20 grant opportunities and provide a matrix of opportunities with deadlines for submission.
To implement this grant research project, we'll need one initial meeting with a volunteer. We will provide you with a framework of opportunities to be funded and a scope of target amounts. We'll align on expectations and agree on the project timeline. Next, you'll research nationwide grant opportunities and provide pertinent application information to our organization (deadlines, requirements, etc.) is in a significant period of growth and requires additional support in order to fully realize its potential. For nearly 20 years, the organization has been championing changemakers and causes that create a kinder, more just and more equitable world. We seek to connect individuals and organizations to the resources they need most while amplifying incredible stories and celebrating those who champion the work each day with and for their communities.
We have a dedicated team for the project who will provide you with the preliminary document(s) that needs to be completed in an easily accessible format (Google Sheets, etc.)
SixDegrees Org
Website Since
Apr 2018
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