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Lead a Rebranding Exercise for an Animal Rescue
We would like to do a rebrand while keeping our base business name.
Our name is One Love Arizona: Rescue, Advocacy & Sterilization. It's too long. We also need to incorporate a human element in that name for grant purposes. We help shelter dogs and their owners, as well as community members with free spay and neuter and vaccination services. Right now we are like the Cheesecake Factory and we are hoping to streamline more like In N Out Burger. We need help with a new business name ending, while keeping the "One Love" portion because we have been around for 10 years and everyone knows us by that name. Incorporating People and Dogs or People and Pets, something to that effect. It needs to be catchy, short, direct, memorable. And we need help revising our mission statement to match this and also create a vision statement and values. Website is
One Love is a nonprofit that helps at risk shelter dogs find homes and provides a comprehensive support system to ensure those homes are forever. We have grown a lot as as organization this past year and made a lot of amazing business partnerships which include grant distribution companies. We have been asked to take on a very large project and submit a grant to sustain it. We feel like the organization needs to make sure the mission and branding are as clear as possible before taking this next big step. This grant would allow us to partner with our county shelter to save thousands of at risk shelter dogs every year in our county. It is a huge opportunity for our little grassroots org and we want to make sure we look the part. We believe in our mission, fighting for the underdog and helping to remove barriers to adoption. We hope you will assist us in this life-saving venture.
We are an existing nonprofit organization that is fully operational. This rebrand will be implemented immediately as our pending project grant is due in October.
One Love Arizona
https://www.oneloveaz.orgMember Since
Jul 2024
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