Marketing Strategy
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Social Media Strategy Advice
Our nonprofit is looking for a social media marketer to assist us with using our channels to build awareness.
We are running a fundraiser in mid-September, I'm speaking, and a few other really amazing things are happening in the coming months. I need to understand best practices for posting about these events, growing our Facebook page following, and the other media. My personal Facebook page is good but don't know how to get the rest up and running for the organization. I'm ok with my personal LinkedIn. On our LinkedIn nonprofit page we have over 1,000 followers but I haven't figured out how to use that to our advantage and grow our donations. People are starting to tell me they are following what we are doing but we need them to press the donate button!
Help!! I am stuck. I need someone to come in and just get things set up how they should be and then I can take over. We have I believe all the pieces except you!
If you look at our website you will see we have people in place and some volunteers are not even posted yet (I'm also asking for help with website if you know anyone who knows Squarespace:)
The Healthcare Navigation Project
Milford, CT
Website Since
Sep 2022
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association