Copy writing/editing
Relevant Skills
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Copywriting: Social Media Content
Our nonprofit is seeking a volunteer to write 2-10 social media posts for our nonprofit. We use LinkedIn, FB and Instagram. These posts may include, but are not limited to, the following topics (the final list will be tailored based on your experience and expertise):
-Introduction to our organization’s work
-Examples of our community impact
-Donation requests or similar calls to action
-Newsletter sign up
-Educational information about mission
The objective of this project is to enhance our nonprofit’s online presence and engagement by creating compelling and relevant social media content. These posts will help raise awareness about our organization, highlight our community impact, encourage donations, and promote our mission, ultimately driving greater support and involvement from our audience.
Logistics Notes:
-I have reserved 1-2 PM and 6-7 PM EASTERN TIME every Wednesday for Taproot meetings. When proposing meeting times, please take this reserved slot into consideration.
-No-shows without advanced notice won't be rescheduled.
-Only applicants who meet the outlined criteria and can commit to a minimum of 4+ hours per week will be considered.
-To streamline the application process, please ensure your profile includes a LinkedIn link.
-Successful applicants should be available for a once weekly 30-minute meeting held sometime Monday-Wednesday between 12 PM and 4:30 PM Eastern Time, at a mutually convenient time.
-Candidates seeking CPT/Internships or OPT are ineligible for this project at this time.
You will:
1) Make a Meaningful Impact: Contribute to transforming healthcare access and quality for individuals with complex diseases.
2) Gain Valuable Experience: Enhance your skills and knowledge in a real-world setting.
3) Join a Supportive Community: Collaborate with a dedicated and enthusiastic team.
Our team is ready and eager to collaborate. We've established effective communication channels and workflows to ensure smooth coordination and exchange of ideas throughout the project.
iHealth and Wellness Foundation, Inc
Website Since
Oct 2023
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