Marketing Strategy
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Program Marketing Advice
We have 8 programs operational at this point in time and all of them are great and functional. We just need someone who can assist us with doing more planning ahead for what's to come and provide advisement on what we should change to make the programs more marketable.
We have been operational since 2012 and have always had a steady flow of support when it comes to human capital. We need to come up with a plan to make our organization profitable so that we can pay people. We have been fortunate enough to stay in business while other organizations flounder and part of the reason behind that is because we do not have the overhead that most other places have. We have gaming teams, tutoring for kids, a medical platform to teach kids about the anatomy of the body, college prep, workforce development, you name it, and people LOVE our organization. I'm sure you will too.
We have a really good foundation that any volunteer should be able to work with and have a really great time being involved with. Our projects are fun and engaging. They just need a little bit of refinement and a second pair of eyes from an expert.
Rebecca Everlene Trust Company
http://www.rebeccaeverlene.orgMember Since
May 2022
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association