HR Management
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Volunteer Mentor Recruitment Strategy
We are seeking expert, hands-on support in developing and executing a comprehensive recruitment plan to engage a diverse group of volunteer mentors with similar lived experiences as the youth and families they serve. This may involve analyzing our current recruitment practices, building partnerships and networks to identify mentor candidates, developing language for recruitment materials, offering innovative solutions and ideas, and using other creative strategies to expand our current pool of mentors.
Our nonprofit organization is dedicated to supporting children and families in the juvenile justice system. You will have the opportunity to transform the lives of underserved kids and families by helping us engage competent and dedicated volunteer mentors.
We have a dedicated team with whom you will work. We'll provide you with relevant information about our stakeholders and a background briefing on our programs, mission, vision, and purpose. You will have access to relevant materials and our current recruitment pipelines.
Center for Supportive Communities
Member Since
Jan 2022
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association