Complete these steps to get the most out of Taproot Plus


Send the below info, and if interested, the nonprofit will select a time for a phone interview. You'll get a confirmation with everything you need to know.


You'll have a 30 minute call to discuss the scope and deliverables of the project directly with Ms. JD, and for them to confirm you're a good fit.


Once accepted, you'll be able to get right to work. We will check in with you periodically to make sure you have everything you need.
Ms. JD
4 - 5 weeks
Can be done remotely
Walnut, California
Brand Development
1 project

Posted September 04
Member since 2021-02-11

Project Overview

Is branding your expertise, and are you passionate about supporting women in the legal profession? Ms. JD is seeking a skilled volunteer to update and refresh our Brand Guide, ensuring that our visual identity and messaging are consistent, modern, and reflective of our mission. Your expertise will help us maintain a strong, cohesive brand across all platforms, enhancing our ability to connect with and inspire our community.

Key Project Activities:
Review the current Ms. JD Brand Guide, identifying areas for improvement and updating.
Collaborate with Ms. JD’s leadership team to understand our brand’s mission, vision, and target audience.
Update brand elements, including logo usage, typography, color palettes, imagery, and tone of voice, to ensure consistency and alignment with current trends.
Create new templates or guidelines for digital and print materials, including social media graphics, event materials, presentations, and more.
Ensure the updated Brand Guide is user-friendly and accessible for staff, volunteers, and partners.

Why Volunteer with Ms. JD?
Strengthen Our Identity: Your work will help ensure that Ms. JD presents a strong, unified brand that resonates with our community and stakeholders.
Empower Women: By refreshing our brand guide, you’ll contribute to our mission of supporting and advancing women in law, helping us reach and inspire more people.
Creative Portfolio: This project offers an opportunity to showcase your branding and design skills in a nonprofit context, adding a significant piece to your professional portfolio.
Flexible Engagement: We respect your time and offer a flexible schedule to fit this project around your other commitments.We'll share our branding goals and our target audiences. Our team will also come prepared with examples of brands we like. We'll share some of our past marketing materials. During the interview process, we'll ask to see your portfolio and examples of your graphic designs.


Nonprofit Overview

Ms. JD seeks to support and improve the experiences of women law students and lawyers. Obstacles to equal participation hinder not only women in the law but also their colleagues, clients, children, and communities. Ms. JD consequently strives to give voice to why it matters that women continue to overcome barriers to achieve gender parity in the profession. In doing so, Ms. JD spreads the word: women’s victories are everyone’s victories.


Brand strategy