Public Relations
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Public Relations Brainstorming and Strategizing
We are in desperate need of a PR strategy and specific ways to implement something like this. We have many events, initiatives, and successes, but we do not know the best way for the word to be shared and amplified. We are updating our website to add an "Our Latest News" page and there are multiple initiatives that we would love help promoting through creating and editing press releases (that can also be shared on our website).
We need a solid PR strategy in order to reach as many teens and changemakers as possible. We would like a professional to help us with a plan that helps us promote our app, our upcoming concert, promote our public speaking and advocacy work & promote our GenZ created Promly ChangeMakers publication and podcast. We are a small group of energized people who want to save lives! We need your help to spread the word about all we are offering! We already have some small initiatives in place by our interns - we just need someone who can take us to the next level.
While we are scrappy and quite impressive with our success, we have not had the PR support we need to get the word out more effectively so people know the resource is free and accessible for kids 13-19. We need your help!
We have a committed team, many GenZ volunteers and interns so we have young people to help implement, but we really don't know the best way to begin a national campaign to let people know what we are doing.
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