Copy writing/editing
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Copywriting: Draft Up to 20 Short-Form Social Posts
We seek someone adept at short-form social media and ad copywriting to help craft up to 20 messages that appeal to different cultural, economic, and ethnic members of society in the US.
This would be for the EQuip Our Kids! Campaign (see, a nonprofit whose sole and huge vision is to galvanize the American public to include in every school's daily curriculum education for students and staff in emotional management and in relationship and co-creativity social skills – to the demonstrated and evidence-based profound benefit of children, teens, adults, the schools themselves, and society and business (the economy) as a whole. In education circles, this is best known as Social and Emotional Learning.
Equip Our Kids! is primarily focused on mobilizing parent, business and public awareness and activism around the enormous benefits to children, schools, and society of bringing emotional intelligence and relationship skills training into every school. We act as a sorely needed but independent nonprofit marketing agency for the concepts of social emotional learning as a major game changer for human mindsets and behaviors.
We recently launched a Netflix like streaming service with fun learning videos geared to different age groups ( You would be helping us promote that widely to parent and thereby helping make a real positive difference in many kids lives that you see on our website. We also seek business support as messenger allies and so want to craft specific messages to business leaders as well.
We have an editing and creative team in place with years of experience in print and electronic media to guide you. We will use your gifts across a wide array of social media and it will likely also find its way into print. In many ways, including in team spirit and support, we seek to provide a good experience for our volunteers and we treat them with the gratitude we genuinely feel for their efforts.
EQuip Our Kids!
Los Angeles, CA
https://equipourkids.orgMember Since
Jul 2016
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