Grant writing/development
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Grant Program Structure Review - Multi-disciplinary Review and Counsel
NAJAS is an umbrella organization that supports about 40 independent Japan-and Japan-America Societies located across the United States. One of our chief member benefits is to design, fund, distribute and administer for our program partners (grant givers) four to eight series of presentations by expert speakers. This portfolio of offerings, each with unique structures, requirements and traditions, has grown organically with our association. We have lacked a systematic means of documentation, reporting and development, and wish the help of an expert volunteer to assess what processes we have in place, and benchmark them against best nfp practices of comparable nonprofit organizations. We envision (1) an assessment of our current approach and grant administration infrastructure; (2) a review of optimal means to maintain and enhance a priority such as we have; (3) a few guidelines or models to pursue as we seek to implement and upgrade our process, IT, writing and reporting functions. An ideal skilled volunteer might be one with "interdisciplinary" experience that covers the broad grant function with its dimensions within business planning, IT, grant writing and more.
Our association of associations does important work on behalf of a partnership that is addressing global issues and binging stimulation and joy to those involved in a range of cultural and popular pursuits, as well. In a crowded sector of Japan- and Asia-focused nonprofits we have unique strengths: biggest in geography and most numerous in numbers, most diverse in content and make-up, longest standing (oldest member is 120 years old) and most in touch with local, "grassroots" activities. However, our lean organization of two professionals has experienced a 100% turnover in the space of one year after a decade and a half of stable operation. Technology, practice and network make-up have all evolved, yet our association has been static. To move ahead -- indeed, to simply maintain the status quo -- we urgently need an objective and comprehensive review of our core grant administration and development functions from a Taproot skilled volunteer with a unique skillset that crosses business planning, IT, and mar-comms disciplines. Help!
NAJAS has a skilled and energetic new team of two professional full-time staff, with plans to add a third member focused on grant capture and enhancement. We are supported by an engaged, high-power board and a network of members with a range of expertise. We would like to implement from 1Q 2025 over the ensuing six to ten months. We are in position to draw upon resources that will allow investment in infrastructure and, potentially, personnel.
National Association of Japan-American Societies Incorporated
Member Since
Sep 2024
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