Accounting & Finance
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Accounting Systems Set Up: Quickbooks
We're looking for a volunteer with experience setting up a Quickbooks!
You'll help us set up regular recording, reconciliation, and reporting practices by spending 20-25 hours with us over 4-5 weeks. In our first meeting, we'll share a detailed description of our existing financial record-keeping and reporting systems. In phase one of the project, you'll migrate our data over to our new software and help us set up our account administrator privileges for our users. In the second phase of our project, you will provide one or two of our team members with basic training. We ask that you make yourself available for up to two weeks to address our questions as we adjust to the new software and systems.
We are a small, new non-profit company that is in our second year. In 2025, we will receive an NSF Grant, and we need to have an accounting system ready. At STEAM Learning Institute, we provide free STEAM training to Educators and resources. We would highly appreciate any help so that we can continue on our mission to make sure that all STEAM educators and students receive inclusive education.
We've acquired new accounting software: Quickbooks. We've had very basic training and reviewed their guidelines on how to manage the system and run basic reports. We will designate a member of our team to manage the volunteer and the project. We would need to set it with the NSF Grant budgeting in mind and have a clear idea of how we would like the cases to be organized.
Member Since
Mar 2024
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