Accounting & Finance
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Financial auditing expereince
We are currently recovering from a theft of most of our cash reserves by a former board member. We don't currently have a CPA or bookkeeper on our board, and are looking for someone who can assist us with and audit of what happened, and assistance in getting us updated with accounting software.
In spring of 2024, one of our board members stole approximately $50,000 of our cash reserves. The response of the organization and our partners has been amazing. Two retired board members rejoined the board, and within two weeks, we have funded the organization for at least the next 6 months. However, none of us are financial professionals. We really, really could use a CPA or someone with financial experience to guide us through determining what happened, getting our accounting software back up to date, and supporting us in creating best practices so that this never, ever, ever can happen again. We also need support in creating a bare-bones budget for the upcoming season.
We have closed our previous accounts, and have contacted the police to file charges. We're in the process of recovering our bank records for the period in question. We have a board member who is the acting treasurer who is keeping meticulous records of income and expenses, and every single purchase is being approved by the board in advance. We've created a draft working budget for the season. With the help of a professional, we can take action immediately.
Womens Chorus of Dallas
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association