Website design
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Website Audit: Are we resonating with potential supporters?
We need a volunteer who has website UX experience with an eye toward establishing credibility with potential supporters. We are a nonprofit that deals with mental health, specifically, a condition called Avoidant Personality (Avp). Avp includes major depression, severe social anxiety, extreme sensitivity to rejection, extreme sensitivity to criticism, and a lot more.
We are trying to gear up to start applying for foundation grants. Before we can do this, we need help preparing. I'm sure there are lots of things (forms, paperwork, infrastructure, web pages) that need to be in place before we apply for grants so that people immediately get a sense of who we are and the impact of our programs.
We need someone to take a good look at our website to see if we are ready to start applying for grants. Then we need recommendations, suggestions, and other actionable items on what we need to do before we start applying for grants.
We have a web site at The web site has several quizzes that people can take to help them determine if they have Avoidant Personality as well as a few others. We have a google grant (PPC), and a very small team that I work with.
Avoidant Personality Research Center
Member Since
May 2017
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