Accounting & Finance
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Conduct a Financial Review
New City Cleveland is looking for a skilled volunteer to perform a internal financial review. Our organization has grown rapidly this year, from 60k in contributions to 125k. Some funding opportunities we are looking at currently require a financial review or audit. Along those lines, we want to be well-positioned for more growth, which includes having excellent financial controls in place.
The first step is a financial review. This, ideally will prepare us for a full independent audit in the near future.
No one talks about how financials are part of community impact, but they are! Yes, New City Cleveland changes lives in our Cleveland community through youth programs, job training and motherhood support, but just as important as our programs and support in a neglected neighborhood, is the financial health of the organization administering the services! Help us stay healthy and operational in our internal systems, so that we can continue to have maximum impact in the work our nonprofit does.
We are prepared with bank statements, Records from QuickBooks, and the time set aside with our ED and Treasurers, to get this project completed. Once this project is completed, we will be able to present the documents on future funding applications. We will also be able to use the documents for our Board of Directors to review, make decisions, and provide future direction based on accurate and up-to-date information.
New City Cleveland
http://www.newcitycle.orgMember Since
May 2022
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