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Design Signage for Nature Museum
We are a small children's museum and have limited resources especially within graphic design. We are in need of a graphic designer to design a large infographic sign to be hung in our museum which communicates our mission, values, programs that we offer, and current direction for the future.
We have some copy and concepts but are in need of a graphic designer who can take a concept, inject their our creativity, and help make dreams become a reality. We have a logo, brand colors, and copy already drafted.
This poster might seem like a small project, but many patrons don't understand that we are a nonprofit with limited financial resources. We will be getting kicked out of our current location in about 18 months and are in search of a new location. During this time we need to better tell our story to our patrons and members as we work to generate more of a donor base.
We already have some copy drafted in a Google Doc and now just need a designer. When I have worked with designers in the past, we always talk about whether the design or the copy should come first. While we have copy drafted we are open to any design concepts which might shift the copy to best tell our story. Thank you for your consideration!!!
Mountain Top Explorium
Member Since
Feb 2024
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association