Website development
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Install Site Integrations and Advise on Page Branding
We have been working on our website redesign for several months on WIX and are seeking an expert to work with us to finalize the website. Specifically, this project will focus on the following activities:
-Advise on colors and photos and page layout
-Install integrations (Hubspot and Zeffy for donations)
The National Coalition for Community Capital (NC3) is on the cusp of something big and our website will soon attract viewers from across the country - help us in the redesign and have an impact on communities nationwide!
Our work centers around community capital or the development of local investing ecosystems in every community. We see community capital as the practice through which we can democratize our economy, support more diverse and innovative entrepreneurs, and empower every person to be an investor and grow their individual wealth. We look forward to working with you!
We have a full website developed on WIX. We have specific questions for you as the website development professional. We hope to publish the website this fall.
National Coalition for Community Capital (NC3)
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association