Mobile Development
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Mobile Optimization for Game-ified Voting Rights Site
We need a volunteer to optimize the mobile experience for VerifyIt! ( a free web-based game for high-school and college students. It is designed to teach them about their voting rights, civics and the U.S. Constitution and how to verify the truth of social media posts and news stories.
We are updating the game to be more mobile-based, engaging and easy to play. The League of Women Voters (Alameda CA) sponsors and promotes the game nationwide. It has been accepted by the CA Department of Education as a teaching resource. We are looking for volunteers to work on specific project components to help finish the newest version of the game.
What are your MUST HAVE skill requirements?
HTML/CSS (using lightweight frameworks)
Relational databases, in particular SQLite.
Client-side JavaScript (ES6+) including the Fetch API.
What are your NICE TO HAVE skill requirements?
Hosting web servers on cloud platforms such as Linode or DigitalOcean.
Caddy web server.
SQLite in production.
HTML/CSS Frameworks, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS,HTMX and/or Alpine.
Real-time messaging, e.g. Server-Sent Events or Websockets.
The League of Women Voters is a 100+ year organization with a mission to empower voters and defend democracy. Because it is critical that everyone in a democracy understands their voting rights and responsibilities, the League has developed this tool to help address voting rights education and to ensure that voters are well-informed about the veracity and source behind the information they read, see and hear. The League is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. Your volunteer support will help to achieve those goals.
We have a seasoned professional full-stack developer on the team. He can answer your questions and mentor you on particular subjects. He has worked with and successfully mentored other young coders so this is a great opportunity to expand your skill-set and references for your next job! If you don't have all the skills we are seeking, we want to talk to you anyway!
League of Women Voters of Alameda Inc.
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