Website design
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Web Design & Implementation for a Civic Engagement Landing Page
Website Page Redesign
The goal of this project is to reimagine the content and design of the Take Action page on Inform Your Community's website. We welcome your initiative on how to design this to maximize the experience and engagement with users. Check out the current page at www.informyourcommunity/take-action
By the end of the project, the volunteer will ideally:
- Generate design ideas related to Inform Your Community's culture and its mission and vision.
- Problem-solve and brainstorm ideas for re-envisioning web design.
- Implement web design revision ideas.
Inform Your Community fosters a more informed electorate encompassed by the four C's: civics, civic engagement, civility, and civil rights. We use entertainment experiences to provide important, relevant, and impactful information to children and adults of all ages through fun, free, and meaningful events. The volunteer who works on this project will advance many issues that are integral to understanding to foster civic engagement. Please see previous issues that our events have covered and our future events at
This is an integral project for our organization because we are looking to grow our national presence. we now have attendees from up to 32 different states at our online events. We are looking to increase our footprint nationally for our virtual events as well as grow to in-person chapters across the country.
In addition to helping out an important cause in the midst of what people perceive as a politically divisive time, the volunteers will get an amazing line on their resume and be able to see/share the design build out!
The website currently exists and has considerable content to pull from. Additional, we have other types of content or visual elements such as images and video that can be added. We are happy to generate new content or design elements as needed. When the project is completed it will immediately replace the current page.
Inform Your Community
Member Since
Feb 2022
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