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Fundraising Campaign Review and Recommendations
Our nonprofit is searching for a volunteer who will review and improve a fundraising campaign for donations to cover costs associated with running our programs.
We have designed a residential program for behavioral health clients and are positioned to be granted money to acquire property and launch this year but the costs to get to the award are significant. I developed a fundraising campaign but I am not sure how to launch or market the $100,000 campaign. Learning to properly develop, launch and implement successful fundraising campaigns is essential to the future of the nonprofit and the success of the Innovative programs to decrease disparities for vulnerable communities.
We invite you to make a transformative impact by lending your professional expertise to our nonprofit’s mission of serving vulnerable communities. We have developed a residential program for behavioral health clients under our Innovation Hub and are positioned to receive a grant for property acquisition and launch this year. However, the costs leading up to this award are substantial, and we need to raise $100,000 to bridge the gap.
We have created a fundraising campaign but need professional guidance on how to effectively launch, market, and implement it. This campaign is crucial not only for immediate operational support but for laying the groundwork for future fundraising success, which will sustain our innovative programs aimed at reducing disparities in underserved communities.
Your expertise in marketing, campaign management, or fundraising can bring immense value, ensuring the success of both this campaign and our long-term initiatives. By volunteering your time, you will help us secure the resources necessary to drive real, lasting change in the lives of those who need it most.
Once we have clear strategies and techniques, the project will be launched immediately. Donations raised will pay for the cost of facilitating readiness to implement long-term project for the most vulnerable population. Fees for securing licensing, registration, legal review and more is necessary to fulfill long-term funding for our project that will impact the lives of more than 50 behavioral health clients plus seniors. Homelessness should not be an option, let alone a necessity for anyone.
TCOR Theios Divinity
https://theiosdivinity.orgMember Since
Oct 2024
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