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Grant/Funding Opportunity Research
We're seeking a skilled volunteer to assist us in conducting grant research to help us bring in additional support for our initiatives.
Primary project activities will include:
1. Identify up to 20 Grant Opportunities: Government Grants, Foundations and Philanthropies, Corporate Philanthropy Programs, Local and Regional Grants
2. Analyze Alignment; Review Grant Guidelines, Determine Eligibility
3. Organize Prospects: Create a spreadsheet to track key information.
4. Research the specific application processes for each grant.
The opportunities are there, we just need someone to find them! The value of raising funds for our low-income, single-parent students goes beyond helping individual students. The children of our scholars are much more likely to attend college themselves, and entire families and communities are impacted.
We have past grant research spreadsheets and grants to review. We have done our market research to help identify grant opportunities and determine eligibility. We need someone with research and communication skills.
Project Self-Sufficiency
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