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Google Ads Optimization
The Texas Archive of the Moving Image (TAMI) recently received a Google Ads grant, which we are underutilizing because we have no in-house expertise in Google Ads. We created some ads but are grossly underusing our $10,000 allotment. We'd love to connect with a volunteer to help us clean up the existing ads, strategize additional ad content, create ads, and better understand how to make and maintain Google Ads content. The project can be completed remotely.
TAMI is an access-driven archive that focuses on removing films and videos from their obsolescing analog formats so people can watch them again! The result is a crowd-sourced collection of Texas moving images available at For more than 20 years, we have been developing our online collection, but we have never had dedicated staff with expertise in digital engagement, web design, etc. Most of our small group have backgrounds in history and archives. By helping us to better utilize Google Ads, a volunteer will be drawing more visitors to our website and increasing the potential for us to gain users, social media followers, email audiences, and hopefully funders.
We have an active Google Ads account. We have outlined a few priorities for ad content, but we are open to volunteer input in this area.
Texas Archive of the Moving Image
Website Since
Jul 2024
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LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
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