HR Management
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HR Assessment & Recommendations
We need a volunteer who can virtually conduct a comprehensive HR assessment of our lean and over-taxed staff and then deliver concrete recommendations on necessary improvements.
We know we must grow our HR practice, but we need help shaping the structure and responsibility coverage of a two-person team, likely expanding to three. But we are also experimenting with contracted, specialized services from legal to accounting and, perhaps, grant writing.
Our organization finds itself at a crossroads of program renewal and possible mission redefinition. The HR element will be critical to realizing our new model and output in a sustainable fashion. Even without external change and pressures to evolve, simply coping with 100% turnover after 14 years of stasis necessitates a thorough stock-taking and shore-up of outmoded assumptions and work practices. As a nimble organization atop a major network in a dynamic, profile field with a top international partner (Japan), this is a niche where a single, skilled volunteer could have a massive positive impact on a national (and international) "project."
This is an existentially important project for NAJAS and we have laid the groundwork of buy-in and support from board overseers, stakeholders and the staff involved. We have won support to invest in personnel resources in our current budget. We have pulled together foundational documentation and stand ready to partner with our volunteer to work efficiently though the materials we may lack. On the implementation side, we have an HR Committee of board and member representatives and standing relationships with recruitment firms in our area of operation. We are better equipped than in the past with online tools to allow for flexible and hybrid work models, which may facilitate implementation, also.
National Association of Japan-American Societies Incorporated
Member Since
Sep 2024
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