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Artist's Rendering of a Clock for Nonprofit Addressing Opioid Epidemic
We are looking for a volunteer who can create an artist's rendition of The Remembrance Clock.
In the US, a person dies from opioid overdose or fentanyl poisoning every five minutes. The Remembrance Clock started recording overdoses and fentanyl poisonings on January 1st, 2024, and will run continuously. The clock is an approximation based on past data. It was designed to create awareness of this silent epidemic and honor the victims of this crisis.
Currently, TRC is active on our website. It is a digital counter of sorts. I would like to eventually build a working, functioning clock and hang it on a building in a conspicuous part of a major city - much like the Debt Clock in NYC. The very first thing I need is an artist's rendition of this.
The fentanyl poisoning crisis is a silent epidemic. We lose more people in one year than we lost in the entire Vietnam War and I want to create a stark reminder of this. Something that generates publicity and public outcry - in order to spur action. I need an artist's rendition of TRC (The Remembrance Clock) to get the ball rolling on the project.
We have potential donors ready to support our nonprofit's work, but they want to "see" what I'm talking about first. Once I have the funds, I will contract a builder, secure a spot in a major city, and build the clock.
Zoop's Troops
http://www.zoopstroops.orgMember Since
Oct 2024
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