Grant writing/development
Relevant Skills
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Not the right fit for you? Sharing the opportunity with your network is a great form of advocacy!
Research 10 Grant Opportunities and Develop Proposal Template
We are seeking a volunteer grant writer to assist our small, but growing, nonprofit organization in identifying grants to support and grow our initiatives.
The ideal volunteer will have a proven track record in grant writing and fundraising, as well as knowledge of various funding sources. We would like to have at least 10 potential grants identified and have developed one proposal template in the 6-9 week time-frame for the project.
This project will NOT include:
-Applying for grant opportunities
Hearts for Homeless is looking to expand its impact in the Bay Area, San Francisco. Hearts for Homeless supports and empowers people experiencing homelessness to achieve stable housing by facilitating their social reintegration and providing them with the resources, knowledge, and mental and emotional support they need to navigate their journey home.
Focus Areas:
-Client Advocacy: Our client advocacy program is a new model for service provision called Mental and Emotional Support Advocate (MESA). MESAs are volunteer client advocates who work on a one-on-one basis to assist clients in navigating the complex process of accessing services and resources, as well as overcoming barriers on their path to stable housing.
Emotional & Social Wellbeing support: Our Connect With Your Soul (CWYS) workshops are held in a hybrid format every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, with a choice of joining at shelters in person or online through Zoom.
Digital Access: One of the biggest barriers to service is the lack of digital access. Post-Covid, many services have moved online or are no longer accessible. We've addressed the challenge by providing our clients with digital devices as part of our Digital Connect Program.
Volunteers will be working with Hearts for Homeless Operations Manager to identify and apply to grants. A short potential grant list is already available, however, we ask volunteers to do research to identify additional opportunities. There are substantial documents developed to assist in the grant writing process including a past draft grant, talking points, an organizational presentation, and more. However, Hearts for Homeless is new to grant writing and we value our volunteer's expertise and guidance on the process. We anticipate meeting once a week, or as needed to complete the project.
Hearts for Homeless
http://hearts4homeless.orgMember Since
Jun 2019
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