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#GivingTuesday Campaign Development
Our nonprofit is searching for an experienced professional to support us with raising money for this upcoming Giving Tuesday (12/3/24).
Background: we just hired someone a month ago to specifically work on this and other tasks, but unfortunately got a very sudden resignation for personal reasons. We now are at a loss and need some immediate help! We need to develop a marketing campaign strategy with the goal of bringing in dollars during this period of giving. If you are someone who is experienced in this type of digital marketing, please do reach out to us! We, our kids with- and without disabilities and our community truly appreciate you and your skills!
To implement this #GivingTuesday project, we'll need a number of meetings with a volunteer. In our first meeting, we will provide you with information about us and what we have in place (we are currently finalizing a promotional video). We'll align on expectations and agree on the project timeline.
Next, you'll review our current #GivingTuesday templates, assess our data management tools, and create a list of recommended changes to share with us. The project will conclude after one or two rounds of edits which the volunteer will make the agreed-upon changes to the document.
POW! is dedicated to providing free enrichment programs to kids with- and without disabilities. While there fantastic programs out there for each 'group', we chose a rather unique position by uniting the two sides! It is not free to us and we need to cover programatic-and administrative expenses. We are a young, small nonprofit organization located in Brooklyn, New York.
Unfortunately we had bad luck and she suddenly resigned for personal reasons and we are in an emergency situation. We would greatly benefit from figuring out on how to land someone/a business that would match our donations! If you feel confident and driven to help us with our last-minute Giving Tuesday preparation, we would feel so incredibly lucky and grateful to get this ball rolling!
We are finalizing our #GivingTuesday promotional video. We have donor data from the past years we could add to this campaign. We have statements of families and volunteers. We have tons of pictures. Once the project preparations are done, we will need guidance on completing it, as well as insights on how often to reach out to donors, and how to keep track of donations.
Power Of We Enrichment (POW!)
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