Marketing Strategy
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Google Ad Grants & SEO Strategy
We need a volunteer's support with our Google Grant for Nonprofits as well as search engine optimization. We'd like recommendations for Google Ad campaigns. Any SEO modifications you recommend will be shared with our web developer, who will make any needed updates.
The project is a priority for us at this stage, as we need innumerable volunteers with varied skills. The project will very greatly help our library by increasing content on our virtual library website. This will be valuable experience for you, as there are thousands of nonprofits that possess the Google Grant for Nonprofits.
We already possess the Google Grant for Nonprofits. We have some campaigns in operation. We have a web developer who can implement the modifications which you recommend to our website.
Ganga Library Inc.
http://www.GangaLib.orgMember Since
Aug 2015
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association