HR Management
Relevant Skills
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Recruitment Strategy
We need expertise on recruitment strategies for specific hard-to-fill roles that require NY Licensure - particularly LMSW and LCSW. Our agency has partnered up with NY ACS to provide preventative services to our partner schools in NYC. We include mental health and social components as part of our model to holistically help our students. The volunteer will help the HR team to identify ways to do outreach and source qualified candidates while understanding that we are a small nonprofit without a recruitment budget.
The project is a priority for us right now because we have a newly established partnership with ACS and some of our schools. We need to hire LMSW Case Planners and Clinical Social Worker Supervisor [LCSW] to effectively service the students and their families. Your expertise would go a long way in ensuring that we are fully staffed and meeting students and families where they are.
We will designate a team member to lead the project and work with the volunteer. We will also prepare members of our Executive Officers so they are aware of the project. We'll provide you with relevant information about our stakeholders and a background briefing on our programs, mission, vision, and purpose. You will have access to relevant materials and our current recruitment pipelines.
IRAISE Girls & Boys International Corporation
http://www.iraiseinc.orgMember Since
Jul 2018
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association