Sales and Customer Service
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Sales Training & Coaching
We’ve just launched a new line of business and are seeking the support of a volunteer with experience in sales training and coaching to help us improve how we generate new and recurring business for this new B2B earned revenue effort.
Our new service, BoardBridge, delivers leadership and professional development to high-potential employees through training, placement on a nonprofit board of directors, and coaching/mentoring throughout the placement process. This new line of business meets a need articulated by many of our current and past corporate partners and is an essential strategy for us to increase access to social sector jobs for black and brown young people from across the United States. As our volunteer, you’ll work with our Senior Manager of Partnerships and Chief Information Officer, who have each had success with sales, but no formal training and eager to learn and grow.
To help you get started, we will share more about our organization, program design for this new initiative, and information about our target market and sales goals. We anticipate you will dedicate 2-5 hours to this learning journey with us over the course of a couple of months. We will be flexible with your availability and ensure the project works for everyone involved.
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