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Event Planning Recommendations for a 50th Anniversary Celebration
Central Park Medical Unit is seeking a volunteer with event planning experience to help us plan our 50th anniversary celebration. Main tasks will include, attending some of our planning committee meetings to advise on next steps to take, communicating with the head of the planning committee asynchronously, recommending resources or ideas for how to plan with a small budget.
Central Park Medical Unit has been around for almost 50 years, providing free life-saving emergency medical care
in and around New York's Central Park. We staff our ambulances with all-volunteer crews to respond to any medical emergency in the park during weekends, holidays, and special events. Celebrating our 50th anniversary is a way to thank all our volunteers who make this possible, spread awareness to the public of our free services, and potentially to fundraise.
CPMU already has a dedicated planning committee that has been working on this project. So far, we have secured a venue, sent out several sponsorship proposals (and received promising feedback from some), and have been consulting caterers to get price quotes. We have monthly meetings to check in with our progress, but none of us have experience event planning, so we're seeking someone with more experience to guide us in the steps we need to take in order to execute this event.
Central Park Medical Unit
New York, NY
https://www.cpmu.comMember Since
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