Website design
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WordPress Website Redesign
We seek a web designer to create structure and design options for our nonprofit website. We are currently being hosted by WordPress. The volunteer should assess and incorporate our goals and needs and consider our key audiences. The designer should also assess our technical capabilities. The project's deliverable is a draft of architecture and design concepts that we can easily share with a web developer volunteer or a member of our team who will use the guide to create our new site.
Our work will take place over multiple meetings in six to nine weeks. In our first meeting, the volunteer should interview us about our desired features, our web capabilities, and our technical expertise. Then, they'll synthesize the information into a requirements briefing. We'll engage in various check-ins, where a member or members of our team will provide feedback. The volunteer will audit our current site to create a draft of site architecture and design options including wireframes, site structure, and other visual elements.
Through working on the web design of our website, a volunteer will be able to help the oldest child-welfare nonprofit agency in Utah to have a website that matches the high quality of services that we provide to the community. We hope to help those seeking services and those who hope to learn more about our agency to better navigate our website and find the resources and information that they are looking for.
We have already thought about and are prepared to brief you about our current website platform, budget restrictions for the build, our branding collaterals and norms, and information about our stakeholder groups and target audiences. We've also compiled some photos and have some language developed that we will share with you and samples of sites we like.
Children's Service Society of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
Website Since
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