Marketing Strategy
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Social Media Calendar & Strategy Development
We're looking for a volunteer to help us save time and be more strategic with our social media presence. Specifically, you'll create a marketing/social media calendar for the year that we can leverage to make managing our multiple social media channels easy. You'd make recommendations to customize our content to optimize it for different platforms. The final deliverable will be the calendar template you create filled with fifteen to twenty different posts.
You're a great fit for us if you're passionate about our mission, you have a background in managing professional social media accounts, and you can spend ten hours over one to three weeks on this project.
Our mission is to create space for girls, women, and non-binary people of all ages and backgrounds to find their place, their voice, and their power in the outdoors, and learn how to create marketing that helps us tell that story to our community of participants and funders - including donors - will help ensure that we're able to continue moving that mission forward.
Our goal is to co-develop a marketing plan that is easy to understand and implement so that we're able to work strategically throughout the year, rather than being reactive and last-minute in our appeals. Our team is prepared to engage this work by adhering to the campaigns and calendars created.
To prepare for the project, we will provide you with our events goals and other relevant social media handles of organizations that are pillars in our sector. You'll have access to a file of photos and logos and a list of our hashtags.
Women's Wilderness
Boulder, CO
http://womenswilderness.orgMember Since
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association