Grant writing/development
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Press Kit Development
I would like for a volunteer to create a grant writing kit or a presskit type of folder with the general information one would need to share with our staff and volunteers when it comes to submitting grants on our behalf AND for our partners to aid them in getting grants on their own.
As a backbone organization looking ahead at sustainability, our key goal is to help our partner organizations collectively work towards impacting a specific neighborhood footprint. This project will enable us all to tell the same story and be quicker at making requests.
I have very clear objectives, and have access to the information necessary to make this project a success.
Hayward Promise Neighborhoods (Cal State East Bay)
http://haywardpromise.orgMember Since
Jun 2017
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association