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Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Implementation Support
We need support implementing phase one of Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud program management. These are our project goals for this pro bono partnership:
- Re-contract existing org to Nonprofit Cloud free product
- Verify existing volunteering and donor-tracking processes are not impacted
- Understand the out-of-the-box for Nonprofit Cloud Case Management features for ATC Client Case Tracking and how much ATC needs to customize.
- Document “counselor” workflows.
- Document and create migration plan for mapping & migration of legacy client data into new Nonprofit Cloud Case Management data structures
- Add 2 new “counselor” Salesforce users so that they can manage their new/existing clients
Expected Deliverables:
- Design & Maintenance Documentation of the ATC specific Client Case
- Process that will achieve the project goals
- Salesforce automations (ie. No-code & code solution) delivered to achieve the project
- User Documentations:
-For ATC counselors to do data entry
-For ATC admin/exec staff for dashboard generation & monitoring
-For ATC admin/volunteer for Salesforce automation maintenance & deployment, and data security assurance
Moving from NPSP to NPC has been a long awaited transition. With the project completed, At The Crossroads ability to report out data and track client goals will be transformed. Everyone on the team is committed to making this happen and looks forward to the increased functionality of this product.
We are ready to partner with an amazing volunteer to bring this project to the finish line! One of our fantastic Board Members with 16 years experience with Salesforce will be working alongside you to complete the project. Our org will already be provisioned with Nonprofit Cloud so we can dive right in. We have done a lot of leg work to be ready for the program management implementation and can't wait to have your support!
At the Crossroads
San Francisco, CA
Website Since
Aug 2022
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
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