Website design
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Website Redesign - WordPress
Our current website needs to be redesigned. The specific tasks needed are to update the home page with better navigation and create new subpage templates that match the redesign. Our rebrand focuses on better encapsulating our mission and values through student, staff, family, and community storytelling. We aim to emphasize our belief that Renaissance is a PreK-12th grade "global village" where leadership skills are developed through civic service, environmental stewardship, and experiential learning.
Through working with Renaissance, you will support our mission by updating and rebranding our web presence so that prospective families understand our student-centered model of collaborative, experiential learning through stories in which they can "see themselves."
Through this partnership, we will be able to elevate and amplify the stories of our community and showcase our school accomplishments as one of the oldest public PreK-12th-grade charter schools in NYC.
We will assign a dedicated member of our marketing team to work with the Taproot volunteer. She will be intimately familiar with our website and have professional experience in graphic design and copywriting.
The Renaissance Charter School
Elmhurst, NY
Website Since
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association